Saturday, September 19, 2009

a short story of misunderstanding because of their different dialects

Soft-Boiled Rice

One time, three men met at a trail crossing. One was a Boholano, another was a Pangasinan, and the last was Pampangueño. Each had only a smattering of the dialects of the others, but they managed to learn from each other that they were all bound for the same destination and to make it understood between them that, because of the distance and the difficulty of the way, it would be a good thing to travel together. They each carried an equal quantity of rice and agreed to put all their food together to make the cooking easier in the camp.

They walked on for several days and their supplies were running low. Finally, while camped near a spring, they noticed they had only very little rice left.

"Mayap no lilotan tapamo para dakal," said the Pampangueño. (It would be better if we make lilot so it will be more).

"Pare, lugaon lamang ang bugas aron madaghan," said the Boholano. (Pal, lets make linugao of the rice so that it will be enough for us).

"Andi u-umpay, maong na balbalon tayo piano dakel," said the Pangasinan. (No my friends, it would be better if we cook binolbal, so it will be more.)

"I tell you, lets make linugao," said the Boholano.

The Pampangueño got angry: "No lets make lilot out of it."

"Stop," shouted the Pangasinan alarmed. "It would be very unwise to quarrel here. Let us re-divide the rice so that each one of us could prepare his share in his own way." They did so and soon three fires were burning beneath three pots. When the cooking was finished and the three men looked up from their efforts, Their eyes widened in surprise.

"Linugao!" cried the Boholano.

"Lilot!" exclaimed the Pampangueño.

"Binolbal!" shouted the Pangasinan.

They all only cooked the rice a little longer and with more water, making the grains larger and softer than usual. A common understanding might many times have saved both time and temper.

From Boholano Folklore by Maria Caseñas Pajo.

1 comment:

  1. A phrasing that's a single tear
    Is harder than I ever feared
    And you were left feeling so alone
    Because these days aren't easy
    Like they have been once before
    These days aren't easy anymore..................................'''jajaja kah oa..
