Sunday, September 20, 2009

Land Transportation Office (Philippines)

In order to regulate and provide regulation and licensing of operators for motor vehicles in the Philippine then, Legislative Act No. 2159 was enacted in 1912. This was the first formal law on land transportation in the country. It created the Automobile Section under the Administrative Division of the Bureau of Public Works.[2]

In 1922, Act No. 3045 compiled and incorporated all laws governing motor vehicles. The Automobile Section was upgraded to the Automobile Division but still under the supervision of the Bureau of Public Works. Act No. 3992 (Revised Motor Vehicle Law) was enacted in 1933, amending Act No. 3045. The Automobile Division was renamed Division of Motor Vehicles.

In 1945, the Department of Public Works and Highways issued Department Order No. 4 for the reorganization of the Division. It took effect after the liberation of the Philippines from the Japanese invasion. Executive Order No. 94 was promulgated in 1947, reorganizing the different executive departments, bureaus and offices. Under Section 82 of E.O. 94, the Division of Motor Vehicles was upgraded into the Motor Vehicles Office (MVO) with the category of the Bureau. However, the Motor Vehicle Office was abolished in 1964 by Republic Act No. 4136 (Land Transportation and Traffic Code).[3]

Executive Order No. 546 was promulgated in 1979, creating the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC). The Land Transportation Commission was renamed into Bureau of Land Transportation and was absorbed by said ministry. The creation of the Board of Transportation and the Bureau of Land Transportation was nullified in 1985 by Executive Order 1011. The E.O. established the Land Transportation Commission, which was tasked to perform functions such as registering motor vehicles, licensing of drivers and conductors, franchising of public utility vehicles and enforcing land transportation rules and regulations.

The Land Transportation Commission was abolished in 1987, and two offices were created, namely the Land Transportation Office (LTO) and the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB). The LTO took over the functions of the former BLT while the LTFRB took over the functions of the BOT. The MOTC was likewise renamed as the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC).[4]

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